Cooling Product Storyboard-Father
Here are some presentation boards I did over a month ago for a cooling product. You can see the rest at Storyboards section. I’ll post the other set in the future.
Bar Storyboards revised
There were some revisions as well as some new frames added to the last storyboards I posted. See them in the Storyboards section.
New Storyboards-Bar
Here’s one page from some storyboards I did recently. Because it’s suppose to be for an animation I used a one-tone shading style. This one and the rest of the pages can be found in the Storyboards section.
New storyboards?
I could have sworn I had put these here before but I don’t see them so I’m putting them up. These are more like presentation boards than actual storyboards. I hate that I was on such a tight that I resorted to color pencils. Of course with the money I got from that job I […]