Captain Planet revision

I decided to try another technique on the Captain Planet illustration. Old One Like always, the image can be found in the illustrations page.

Changes made to the illustration page

I’ve made some changes to my illustration page. I divided the vector art from the bitmap. If you don’t know what that means just google it. I’ve also taken out some weaker pieces. Here are the links in case you still want to see them. I might take out more in the future.

Changed the home page

You may have or not noticed that the home page has changed. I’ve added a randomizing script so there should randomly be different images showing up. To see what I mean, just go the home page and keep refreshing it. I’m undecided wheter or not it’s a good idea. So let me know your […]

Newly posted old storyboards

In a lame attempt to making it look like I’m constantly updating. Here’s some stuff I did a while ago. My first and only job that I did for a company. It’s another concept for a cable commercial. I still have 2 more that I’ll post whenever I feel I need to update. These storyboards […]